
Rock Chick Rematch By Kristen Ashley Touch Me By J. Kenner      
Rock Chick Rematch
Meet the author
Kristen Ashley
Touch Me
Meet the author
J. Kenner

Andrew Zimmerman

Dear Reader,

What happens when Eat Pray Love meets The Alchemist?

Paul, a driven, highly successful and increasingly disenchanted executive, struggles to reconcile the digital world of his unrelenting career, the material world of his tony Central Park existence, and the spiritual world opening up to him.

He visits Glastonbury, England, a mecca for would-be witches, goddesses, and druids, where he meets Christine, a beautiful soul reader.  When he returns to New York his wife, Mary, is skeptical. Is Paul having a spiritual awakening or is he falling for a beautiful charlatan?

Inspired by a true story, this is my debut novel and I'm giving away five books. Write to for a chance to win one.

Andrew Zimmerman