
Rock Chick Rematch By Kristen Ashley Touch Me By J. Kenner      
Rock Chick Rematch
Meet the author
Kristen Ashley
Touch Me
Meet the author
J. Kenner

Anita Desai

Dear Reader,

When I left India I was afraid I had lost the source of all my work. But I find I am still writing about it—whether about the little Himalayan town where I was born (THE ARTIST OF DISAPPEARANCE) or my experience of the publishing/translating world of the '60s and '70s in India (Translator/Translated) or the landscapes I had driven through or lived in once (The Museum of Final Journeys). To me these stories are like the photographs in an old album that I brought along with me, one that brought them alive once more.

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My very best wishes to you,
Anita Desai