Debbie Levy
Dear Reader:
In 1938, when my mother was a young girl living in Hamburg, Germany, she got a brand-new poesiealbum. That's poesie + album = poetry album. Think: autograph album.
My mother invited her friends to write in her poesiealbum. This was a common tradition in an uncommon timefor 1938 was a year of danger and turmoil for Jews in Nazi Germany.
Fast-forward 70 years. I'm looking for a way to tell the story of my mother's last year1938in Nazi Germany. Mom shows me a battered book, full of handwritten messages of hope and inspiration: her poesiealbum. These messages weave their way into my new book, THE YEAR OF GOODBYES.
I've realized something about that old poesiealbum: It's the ancestor of Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter! So, I've started The Year of Goodbyes Poesiealbum Project, a place to combine the old and new traditionand for YOU to write about resisting bigotry, overcoming fear, accepting differences, and more. Click here for details.
I look forward to reading your thoughts.
Debbie Levy
"Artfully weaving together her mother's poesiealbum (autograph/poetry album), diary, and her own verse, Levy crafts a poignant portrait of her Jewish mother's life in 1938 Nazi Germany that crackles with adolescent vitality." Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"An outstanding and emotionally taut read." School Library Journal (starred review)
"An immensely powerful experience." Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
The Year of Goodbyes / Debbie Levy / Disney-Hyperion
Price: $16.99 / ISBN: 978-1423129011 / Published: March, 2010
Ages 10 & up / Nonfiction