ZOO GIRL is a big story told in only 20 words! The reason I wrote it in so few words was to give the reader a chance to interpret the story differently on each reading - and to leave the pictures to tell most of the story. The story is a heart-warming adventure-filled tale of a lonely girl with no family finding friendship amongst the animals in a zoo - riding the elephants, swimming with the penguins, sleeping with the tigers, and eventually finding a family of her own by being adopted by the zoo keepers. I love animals and was always fascinated by stories of 'feral' children being brought up by animals in the wild but I'd never heard of it happening in a zoo so I thought this would make a great story! I hope you enjoy it.
To win a copy of ZOO GIRL or my other new picture book Sometimes, please email mthompson@ipgbook.com and to read more about my books and keep up with me via my blog and Twitter, please see my website, www.RebeccaElliott.com.