
The Substitute By Kristen Proby        
The Substitute
Meet the author
Kristen Proby

Thomas Waite

Dear Librarians,

What would you do if you poured your heart and soul into a start-up firm and sold it to a high-flying technology company about to go public to realize your dreams and those of your partners — only to see your best friend murdered and your world shattered by corrupt executives? In TERMINAL VALUE, Dylan Johnson is a young entreprenuer who sells his mobile computing business to a technology company much to the delight of his partners. But before the deal is even completed he senses that something isn't quite right. With his best friend dead and the executives of the technology company out to destroy him, he forms a close alliance — and romantic relationship — with his former partner, Heather, and follows an electronic trail to discover a litany of illegal activities. But the real shocker is that the murder is the result of a betrayal they never could have imagined. The title is a double-entendre: the literal definition of the term "terminal value" is the value of an asset at the end of its useful life.

Thomas Waite

"Terminal Value is to the corporate world what John Grisham's The Firm is to lawyering: a taut, fast, relentless thriller." — Jim Champy, co-author of Reengineering the Corporation and author of Outsmart!

"A terrific page-turner that rips back and forth between the art of the start-up and the art of murder, between a high-tech IPO and a techie who's DOA! Crackling good stuff!" - Alan M. Webber, co-founder of Fast Company magazine and author of The Global Detective.

"Just as Michael Lewis dissects the inner workings of Wall Street, Thomas Waite paints a riveting picture of the seamy side of technology. TERMINAL VALUE is a great 'initial public offering'!" — Chunka Mui, co-author of Billion Dollar Lessons and Unleashing the Killer App.
Terminal Value / Thomas Waite / Marlborough Press / Paperback; 230 Pages
Price: $15.00 / ISBN: 978-0985025809 / Published: March, 2012
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