
Rock Chick Rematch By Kristen Ashley Touch Me By J. Kenner      
Rock Chick Rematch
Meet the author
Kristen Ashley
Touch Me
Meet the author
J. Kenner

Mitchell Maxwell

Dear Librarians,

LITTLE DID I KNOW is a story of a young man's big dreams and the his courage to embrace them wholeheartedly - to fly without a net– to make them real, to live a life of aspiration and desire. The novel's protagonist, Sam August, has his heart set on a life working in the theater. With unbridled passion and a ferocity of spirit, Sam taks on the vicissitudes of his goals. Along the way he falls in love, finds the depth of his character and makes the journey from boy to a young man of vision and achievement. This story takes place in the summer of 1976 in a broken down summer theater in historic Plymouth, Massachusetts. It is a wild ride and one I hope you will enjoy and find appealing.

Mitchell Maxwell
Little Did I Know / Mitchell Maxwell / Prospecta Press / Hardcover; 336 Pages
Price: $25.00 / ISBN: 978-1935212577 / Published: September, 2011
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