
The Marriage Auction 2 By Audrey Carlan        
The Marriage Auction 2
Meet the author
Audrey Carlan

Evy Journey

Dear Librarians,

Chanterelles garnished with cream and mayhem — this sums up SUGAR AND SPICE AND ALL THOSE LIES, inspired by the film and the story Babetteā€™s Feast by Isak Dinesen. Though it weaves haute cuisine into a love story and a crime, it's character driven. One reviewer says: "The person Gina must get to know, fall in love with, trust and grow, is herself."

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Evy Journey
Sugar and Spice and All Those Lies / Evy Journey / Sojourner Books / Kindle Edition

Price: $2.99 / ASIN: B077TKLBDD / Published: November, 2017
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