
Rock Chick Rematch By Kristen Ashley Touch Me By J. Kenner      
Rock Chick Rematch
Meet the author
Kristen Ashley
Touch Me
Meet the author
J. Kenner

Michelle Cameron

Dear Librarians,

Did you know that Napoleon had a Jewish nickname? He earned it during his 1796-7 campaign through Italy when he liberated the Jews from their centuries-old incarceration in the ghettos. Based on this little-known slice of Italian Jewish history, BEYOND THE GHETTO GATES tells the story of two women: Jewish Mirelle, torn between love for a dashing French soldier and duty to her faith and family; and Francesca, tied by her Catholic belief to an abusive, murderous husband. 

PS. Napoleon's Jewish nickname? It plays on his last name: Helek Tov, a Good Part (Bonaparte).

Michelle Cameron
Beyond the Ghetto Gates / Michelle Cameron / She Writes Press / Paperback

Price: $16.95 / ISBN: 978-1631528507 / Published: April, 2020
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