
The Wild Card By Dylan Allen        
The Wild Card
Meet the author
Dylan Allen

Allie Larkin

Dear Reader,

In STAY, Savannah "Van" Leone has loved Peter since the day they met, but Peter has loved Van's best friend, Janie, for almost as long. After serving as maid-of-honor at Janie & Peter's wedding, Van drowns her sorrows in Kool Aid-vodka cocktails and reruns of Rin-Tin-Tin, and accidentally buys a German Shepherd over the internet from Slovakia.

* People Magazine: "Feel-good debut novel!"

* Modern Dog: "A charming tale of love, loss, discovery, and healing."

* Kirkus Reviews: "Smart and with emotional depth, this is a cut above."

I'm giving away five books, plus gourmet dog cookies! Write to me - info (at) allielarkinwrites dot com to win!

Happy Reading!
