
Rock Chick Rematch By Kristen Ashley Touch Me By J. Kenner      
Rock Chick Rematch
Meet the author
Kristen Ashley
Touch Me
Meet the author
J. Kenner

Lynne Hartke

Dear Reader,

Against the backdrop of the Sonoran Desert, I ask the hard questions as cancer arrives to take it all. As my days become a blur of appointments and treatments, I wrestles with tangled emotions and a shaken faith. And then, the unthinkable as cancer threatens the lives of both my parents.

With a lyrical voice, I learn that even in life's hardest places I am not alone in my fear, not foolish to hope, and never forgotten by a loving God.

Revell is giving away five copies of UNDER A DESERT SKY. Write to Revell at for a chance to win.

Lynne Hartke